Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Day 2 - SD Bootcamp 5/10

Day 2 - downward trend? Maybe I need to re-evaluate the goals... Maybe I just need to get the stress of the interview off my back.

- ate so many hershy kisses at work- I can't remember (was very stressed about job interview)
- Did not focus on studying for interview today at work - wasted time all day adn was very unproductive
- ate a Shwarma for lunch when I had already lovingly prepared a beautiful salad.
- ate after 7 pm again..but tried to limit myself to only a handful of nacho chips.
- ate two lean cuisines ;(...and they werent even that good.
- ate custard.
- will not get to bed before 11:30.
- procrastinated preparation for my big interview tomorrow - very bad me.
- did not excercise...bad bad bad

- did contain myself enough to only take one sugar and a bit in my the and coffee today.
- Did focus on job interview after watching Dr. Phil, and stayed off the Internet...mostly.
- Will get clothes, lunch and dog stuff organized for the morning.

For Next Time
- Need to avoid food sources as pacifiers when under stress.

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