Wednesday, November 03, 2004

When life goes surreal

I don't know how this could be happening or what the coincidence could be that I have intimate knowledge on the matter, but I wish it was not happening...again.

Over Thanksgiving he was not himself - agitated, paranoid, scared, distant and even violent. This was not the successful ambitous third year business student and brother we know. This is someone new and quite honestly, I can't believe this is really happening.

He is being cared for in a psychiatric facility....I am staring at the page...did I make this up? It may be schizophrenia - I am almost certain. I could not bear Anna having to go through what we have gone through with Donna. It is a nightmare. We will never know him as we did.

I am flying there to be with Anna and Mom. I don't know how to make this better.

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