Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Why I love Val: Reason #46 - Finds GREAT Stuff

While there are too many reasons to love my friend Val - reason #46 could e one of my favorites. Valerie has a talant for finding great stuff....maybe that's why she is such an awesome librarian. Here is her latest find:

" Speaking of creativity, I bought this great "Candlelight ecstacy Romance" novel at the Edmonton Public Library booksale. Here is the description from the back, how could I resist?:
"He'd invented a housekeeping robot that threatened to destroy her business. She had no choice but to sabotage Harrison Kent and his infernal machine. But Brit McIver hadn't reckoned on the mad genius's boobytrapped home- or the Adonis who greeted her clad only in a towel! She'd arrived just in time to organize his home and supervise an important investors' dinner. It was a setup for disaster. Now the real challenge was clear: to prove that The Quintessential Woman could guarantee satisfaction that no robot could provide!"

val "

Watch the "Candlelight ecstacy Romance" books spike in sales after this...

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