When I was old enough to tie my shoes I remember feeling the free wind on my cheeks as my mother swung me around, my hands held tightly in hers. I felt as if she may never stop taking care of me. It never dawned on me that I would have to make my own way in the world wihtout my mother holding my hands tightly so that I might not fall. I didn't anticipate the need, so many years later at 16, to escape those same hands to feel free to become someone.
I struggled every year after that; doing what I needed to do to survive, but never having the stability to think about who I would become and how. So with so much time under me I am still hoping to become...but when I write and create and try to articulate all that made me who I am right now, I feel that thrill of being swung, arms wide in the wind, with my own strong hands holding me.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
One hundred Cigarettes
He needed to put limits on himself. With each cigarette, he felt a heavy failure or weakness that nagged at him. It wasn't so much that he didn't like smokiong, but that he didn't seem to feel he had a choice anymore. Something was keeping him crawling everyday.
The countdown would begin; 100 cigarettes to the end.
When he smoked number 100...he would make an occassion out of it...it would have to be an after sex ciggy for closure. It would be over...he would be free.
The countdown would begin; 100 cigarettes to the end.
When he smoked number 100...he would make an occassion out of it...it would have to be an after sex ciggy for closure. It would be over...he would be free.
Friday, December 02, 2005
You stumbled on something secret. It started a sharp shrill chirps and as you approached you could see how bright she was and how small he appeared as he mounted her. She could easily remove him, but she sat quite still as he moved. You could hear the clacking of legs and the scraping of a final moment that would call something new from the universe.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
A Careful Demarcation
For the longest time I was certain that my university days were just barely behind me. I still felt like I was 21 and fancy free...just now I can afford more stuf...better stuff (really just barely above Ikea), but that came to an abrupt end when reality hit like a hammer.
As many know I am a new mom. This in and of itself is not what put me over the hump of ackowledgement, but the breast pump at the recent U2 concert sure did. Here's how the moment of truth rolled out:
Entering the Corel Centre the security check your bags and frisk you...(yipee frisk me! frisk me!) not exactly what happened for me..."what;s in the bag maam?". "Breast pump." "OK, move on through". No frisk for me. Furhter, I had to pump my boobs clean right there in the stands between Arcade Fire and U2 coming on...the lights came on and there I was pumping away with horror.
Moral of the story...you know you have really moved intot the next stage of life nad you are soooo far away from that girl that entered the uni halls....when you are pumping your breasts at a U2 concert. I am in denial no longer.
As many know I am a new mom. This in and of itself is not what put me over the hump of ackowledgement, but the breast pump at the recent U2 concert sure did. Here's how the moment of truth rolled out:
Entering the Corel Centre the security check your bags and frisk you...(yipee frisk me! frisk me!) not exactly what happened for me..."what;s in the bag maam?". "Breast pump." "OK, move on through". No frisk for me. Furhter, I had to pump my boobs clean right there in the stands between Arcade Fire and U2 coming on...the lights came on and there I was pumping away with horror.
Moral of the story...you know you have really moved intot the next stage of life nad you are soooo far away from that girl that entered the uni halls....when you are pumping your breasts at a U2 concert. I am in denial no longer.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
curious incident of the dog in the nightime - Review
I recently finished this book, and I must say that I was not totally blown away by any stretch. The buzz was more intriguing than the book itself.
It is a book written from the perspective of an autistic boy. There is some trite commentary on how how logic doesn't play into "normal dailiy living" i.e. white lies and untruths for the greater good and intuition, but I really didn't get any profound insight from reading the book. for Example, while explaining the monty hall problem: "Intution can sometime get things wrong. And intuition is what some people use to make decisions."
In retrospect, the character of the father is as dichotomous as the logic/life juxtaposition that carries throughout the book...but only in retrospect. The patient and selfless man, the man who has boundless patience for his autistic son and his daily challenges, is both this man and the same man that kills a dog in anger because his mistress is perceived to give more attention to it. This somehow doesn't make sense. To be capable of such creulty in anger and yet rarely loses his temper wiht the boy??? Eventhough there is a part where he hits the boy in anger, but you still don't see that he is capapble of killing an animal. Hard to buy...there should have been a better reason for killing the dog, or it should have been someone else that killed it.
While teh book is triumphant for the main character, it still left too much undone. Father buys the boy a new dog and trys to earn his trust back. You hardly feel better for Christopher, what if daddy gets pissed again...does he kill your new puppy?...Are you next???
I give the book a D - A huge waste of a weekend read - but should make for a quick book club discussion.
It is a book written from the perspective of an autistic boy. There is some trite commentary on how how logic doesn't play into "normal dailiy living" i.e. white lies and untruths for the greater good and intuition, but I really didn't get any profound insight from reading the book. for Example, while explaining the monty hall problem: "Intution can sometime get things wrong. And intuition is what some people use to make decisions."
In retrospect, the character of the father is as dichotomous as the logic/life juxtaposition that carries throughout the book...but only in retrospect. The patient and selfless man, the man who has boundless patience for his autistic son and his daily challenges, is both this man and the same man that kills a dog in anger because his mistress is perceived to give more attention to it. This somehow doesn't make sense. To be capable of such creulty in anger and yet rarely loses his temper wiht the boy??? Eventhough there is a part where he hits the boy in anger, but you still don't see that he is capapble of killing an animal. Hard to buy...there should have been a better reason for killing the dog, or it should have been someone else that killed it.
While teh book is triumphant for the main character, it still left too much undone. Father buys the boy a new dog and trys to earn his trust back. You hardly feel better for Christopher, what if daddy gets pissed again...does he kill your new puppy?...Are you next???
I give the book a D - A huge waste of a weekend read - but should make for a quick book club discussion.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Getting up to date
Let me begin by saying that the fence that the neighbor put up has come down. It has not stopped his obsessive grass grooming behavior, but for now I feel I can breathe again without winding up like a ball everytime I see the ugly fence outside my house.
On a better note, the community garden plot experiment was a success in spite of the neglect it suffered due to new parenting duties. WE had a huge crop of roma tomatoes whcih I lovingly turned into tomato sauce, we also had beans, cucumbers. zuchinni, peppers, peas, eggplants and potatoes. We are still waiting on the carrots, beets and pumpkins...but we will definately be doing this again next year, only I will have a better garden plan. We may even go for the full plot (7mx14m).
Kaia is amazing! She is almost 12 pounds at 8 weeks old -she is pure joy.
Now that she is settling into a schedule, I have to begin setting some goals for this year.
1) Improve French vocabulary
2) Improve Italian vocabulary
3) Improve photoshop skills
4) Enter at least four photo contests
5) Learn to better use manual functions on digi cam
6) Learn how to splice together digital video of Kaia7) Achieve a healthy body weight at 145-150 pounds (lose 20 pounds)
8) Get fit through weight training, resisitance training, pilates, yoga and skiing
9) Go downhill skiing/snowboarding this year.
10) Learn to be a good parent to Kaia
11) Find a new job to return to
12) Visit the galleries and museums with Kaia once a month
13) Read at least ten good books this year:
The Red Tent, The Kiterunner, Dropped Threads 1+2, Barbara Kingsolver, etc.
I better get to it!
On a better note, the community garden plot experiment was a success in spite of the neglect it suffered due to new parenting duties. WE had a huge crop of roma tomatoes whcih I lovingly turned into tomato sauce, we also had beans, cucumbers. zuchinni, peppers, peas, eggplants and potatoes. We are still waiting on the carrots, beets and pumpkins...but we will definately be doing this again next year, only I will have a better garden plan. We may even go for the full plot (7mx14m).
Kaia is amazing! She is almost 12 pounds at 8 weeks old -she is pure joy.
Now that she is settling into a schedule, I have to begin setting some goals for this year.
1) Improve French vocabulary
2) Improve Italian vocabulary
3) Improve photoshop skills
4) Enter at least four photo contests
5) Learn to better use manual functions on digi cam
6) Learn how to splice together digital video of Kaia7) Achieve a healthy body weight at 145-150 pounds (lose 20 pounds)
8) Get fit through weight training, resisitance training, pilates, yoga and skiing
9) Go downhill skiing/snowboarding this year.
10) Learn to be a good parent to Kaia
11) Find a new job to return to
12) Visit the galleries and museums with Kaia once a month
13) Read at least ten good books this year:
The Red Tent, The Kiterunner, Dropped Threads 1+2, Barbara Kingsolver, etc.
I better get to it!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
My neighbor is putting up a fence between my property and theirs. Now, it is really not their property, rather it is city property and for the most part, it is the property that I have to look at from the front of my house, but it is merely on the side of their house. This is completely immaterial to the fact that I can't stand the feeling of a fence being put up next to me. I have been sitting here for an hour or so and realised that it was really bothering me.
Why the fence? - To keep dogs off the grass? To protect the precious grass seed? To say " hey keep your natural lawn gardening techniqhues to yourself? Yeah, I refuse to use pesticides to keep the weeds out. I think I find the fence to be downright offensive. It is made worse because it is ugly - an offensive gesture and an ugly presentation. The fence says it a very blantant way - KEEP OFF! as if he yelled it right to my face.
Makes me want to put slugs on the lawn to make the guy crazy...
Why the fence? - To keep dogs off the grass? To protect the precious grass seed? To say " hey keep your natural lawn gardening techniqhues to yourself? Yeah, I refuse to use pesticides to keep the weeds out. I think I find the fence to be downright offensive. It is made worse because it is ugly - an offensive gesture and an ugly presentation. The fence says it a very blantant way - KEEP OFF! as if he yelled it right to my face.
Makes me want to put slugs on the lawn to make the guy crazy...
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Tulips in May
At the time of this post the Tulips are long gone, but the hostas and ferns are incredible!
Irises in June
After saying so much about how the garden is doing I thought it appropriate to post a picture of hte bearded irises that bloomed so beautifully this June. They were only around for about 2 days.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Beans, Peas and Columbine
It is nearly summer, but I guess still technically Spring. The garden has come up in full force. First to show their wares - the purple and orange tulips followed by the purple geraniums. The tulips lost their lustre about a week ago and the geraniums are just losing their flowers. THe hostas are up and are showing sign of flowering. The blue mountains and teh columbine have come up together. The multi-colour bloomed a beautiful white columbine yesterday.
The large bearded irises bloomed last week and this week they are followed so many tiny irises...I can't wait to see them!
Coming next will be the yellow flowers I can't remember the name of, the hostas, oriental poppy and wild bergamot.
Late July I will likely see the cone flower, black-eyed Susans - that should bring the butterflies and birds....
The plot has begun to sprout beans and peas and of course the eggplant, zucchinni, cucumbers and tomatoes are doing very well. We have to weed in a big way and get the chicken wire aroung our sprouting peas to keep the deer away.
I love watching all this stuff grow - will post some pics soon.
The large bearded irises bloomed last week and this week they are followed so many tiny irises...I can't wait to see them!
Coming next will be the yellow flowers I can't remember the name of, the hostas, oriental poppy and wild bergamot.
Late July I will likely see the cone flower, black-eyed Susans - that should bring the butterflies and birds....
The plot has begun to sprout beans and peas and of course the eggplant, zucchinni, cucumbers and tomatoes are doing very well. We have to weed in a big way and get the chicken wire aroung our sprouting peas to keep the deer away.
I love watching all this stuff grow - will post some pics soon.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Planting the Plot
This year I signed up for a plot at the gloucester Community Garden. The timing is off with by "bend over belly" be significanlty impaired by the coming of our daughter in July. Soon after that breasfeeding and general lack of sleep will likely take over. What does all this mean ofr teh plot? Well, that's where Alan comes in.
Alan grumbled extensively about having to plant the 7x7 metre plot. But after I drafted the garden plan and we got all of our seeds -I think his enthusiasm increased. Alan is a great implementer of ideas and plans. On our way out to the garden our neighbor Catherine volunteered to help she had never gardened and I guess figured it would be fun to try something new. So off we went with our green thumbs and gardening tools.
Although we battled bugs and the heat - our weee garden was planted and watered. I will have to post some pics as the plants begin to sprout. We planted:
Roma tomatoes, eggplant, Zuchinni, Pumpkin, peas, beans (yellow and green), and cucumbers.
We'll see how it all goes!
Alan grumbled extensively about having to plant the 7x7 metre plot. But after I drafted the garden plan and we got all of our seeds -I think his enthusiasm increased. Alan is a great implementer of ideas and plans. On our way out to the garden our neighbor Catherine volunteered to help she had never gardened and I guess figured it would be fun to try something new. So off we went with our green thumbs and gardening tools.
Although we battled bugs and the heat - our weee garden was planted and watered. I will have to post some pics as the plants begin to sprout. We planted:
Roma tomatoes, eggplant, Zuchinni, Pumpkin, peas, beans (yellow and green), and cucumbers.
We'll see how it all goes!
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
A Plot to Garden
Now, it appears, that the sun is here to stay. The sun and rain are pushing the plants to the surface. By now the peonies are coming up ( I wonder if these transplante beauties will bloom?), the irises are getting stronger and while everyone else's tulips have already bloomed, mine are just threatening to bloom. The spirea don't seem to be doing well but I still have hope that they will get the sun they need. The dogwood is starting to show its leaves, the birch survived the winter and is coming back in full force - The Scot's Pine did not fair as well and is looking a little brown. I will transplant that one this year. The ferns are so cool they are the big ones an dthey are unfolding so beautifully I can't wait to see them later this year. I will plant the ususal herbs (sweet basil, thyme, oregano, camomile, sage, tarragon, dill and lavender) and some nasturtiums. And I will anticipate the arrival of the white and purple coneflowers with their black-eyed Susan freinds.
This year in addition to my backyard, I will also have a garden plot t the Glocester community allotment garden. I will plant some yummy veggies (zuchinni, tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, beans) this is my new adventure in gardening ;) We'll see how it goes with little miss rebane. Hopefully I ma not being too ambitous.
This year in addition to my backyard, I will also have a garden plot t the Glocester community allotment garden. I will plant some yummy veggies (zuchinni, tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, beans) this is my new adventure in gardening ;) We'll see how it goes with little miss rebane. Hopefully I ma not being too ambitous.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Bike in Italy
Only in Italy could a bike be placed just so and be so charming with Graffiti. THis was taken in Verona.
Water woman
This photo was transfered from a digital shot taken in Stockholm. I love the expression on her face. This transfer appears to be black and White, but that is just s result of a poor scan. THe figure is actually emerald green with some redish detail in the background.
While at the Vatican
This photo was taken of me in the entrance of the Vatican in September 2004. I rendered the photo in photoshop and then transfered it onto watercolour paper.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Colors Magazine - a great read
"Based on what I've seen I can say that we don't live in a beautiful world. Which is why when I travel I never ever complain. I adapt myself to any circumstance because I know that for so many people, suffering is the rule of normalcy."
Gorgio Bentenelli -World Traveller
Gorgio Bentenelli -World Traveller
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Dream Job
I think that my dream job would be in photojournalism. I would live wherever I wished and would travel all over the world on assignment. I could take documentary photos and write pieces to accompany the images. How close to this is what I am doing right now? Not even close. But what am I doing about it?
Well I have started by doing some small things. I bought a wonderful camera - and I have taken the camera on many my many travels. I have also started taking some photos at weddings and for portraits. And I have fallen in love with photo transfers. It is the best of all my favorite art pusuits - printamaking, photography drawing, and painting. It is invigorating to get the creativity back and to be inspired again.
Who knows what this year will bring - maybe I am getting a day closer to realizing a dream everyday.
Well I have started by doing some small things. I bought a wonderful camera - and I have taken the camera on many my many travels. I have also started taking some photos at weddings and for portraits. And I have fallen in love with photo transfers. It is the best of all my favorite art pusuits - printamaking, photography drawing, and painting. It is invigorating to get the creativity back and to be inspired again.
Who knows what this year will bring - maybe I am getting a day closer to realizing a dream everyday.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Who wants more?
Reflecting on the dynamics between us, I cannot help but feel that one of us wants more -more sex, more intimacy, more thoughtful moments, more romance, more friendship, more support, more encouragement... more.
You almost seem absent, distanced. You ahve never asked for anything. Doyou want anything. You appear to move throught the motions -to be happy there - it is just enough - and just enough is all you need. If it is good enough for you - it should be good enough for me too...right?
I feel as if I am trying to steer a ship in a sea...and I am the only one interested in surviving the storm. While we both need to steer the ship - I feel you never noticed that we were in a storm to begin with, you don't much care and by the way "what's for dinner?". I can't steer this big ship alone.
Things are about to change drastically, and I don't think you will notice until it is too late. Why am I trying so hard when it doesn't really matter? and, why do you keep my just on the outside? What are you afraid of...or is it that you just don't think about it? Am I wishing you to be someone you are not? Hopeful you will become who I see you to be? Or, are you in there somewhere but you just lost sight?
I want more because I give more - we give in the proportion that we want in relationships. You have stopped giving and have now taken too much. It is time for me to give less and expect less? That's is somewhere I cannot go. Why should I lower MY expectations to "basic life support"?
You almost seem absent, distanced. You ahve never asked for anything. Doyou want anything. You appear to move throught the motions -to be happy there - it is just enough - and just enough is all you need. If it is good enough for you - it should be good enough for me too...right?
I feel as if I am trying to steer a ship in a sea...and I am the only one interested in surviving the storm. While we both need to steer the ship - I feel you never noticed that we were in a storm to begin with, you don't much care and by the way "what's for dinner?". I can't steer this big ship alone.
Things are about to change drastically, and I don't think you will notice until it is too late. Why am I trying so hard when it doesn't really matter? and, why do you keep my just on the outside? What are you afraid of...or is it that you just don't think about it? Am I wishing you to be someone you are not? Hopeful you will become who I see you to be? Or, are you in there somewhere but you just lost sight?
I want more because I give more - we give in the proportion that we want in relationships. You have stopped giving and have now taken too much. It is time for me to give less and expect less? That's is somewhere I cannot go. Why should I lower MY expectations to "basic life support"?
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Of late the complexities of human nature, relationships and the second half of life have bubbles fiercy to the surface. Presently, I am 5 months pregnant. I have had many reflections on how very overwheelming it is to bring a new person into the world and what a miracle we all really are - each one of us. We are all someone's little miracle. The wave of change that follows leaves the landscape changed forwever. And this is the next unknown: How we will be changed by the coming of this life? Will we weather well?
An aquaintance of mine has been trying to have a child with his wife for over 10 years. They met as highschool sweethearts and were married early. They had exciting plans for the future and they both deeply loved their twin girls when they finally came to be. Three months after the girls were born, he made the decision to leave his wife. He was "bored". Apparently, he had been for a long time. He wanted to loosen the noose of marriage and explore the world and the people in it, but he still wanted to be a father to his girls. This news ripped my heart out. I felt so alone for her - so overwhelmed, vulnerable and lost - devastated. Had these two beautiful miracle babies pushed something to the surface that may have layed dormant for a very long time?
I am perplexed and unsure as to what waves our baby will bring into our lives...my hope is that she will bring something special out in both of us and in doing so, we will be inspired to be better poeple and have a stronger relationship for us and for her. But I guess only time will tell.
An aquaintance of mine has been trying to have a child with his wife for over 10 years. They met as highschool sweethearts and were married early. They had exciting plans for the future and they both deeply loved their twin girls when they finally came to be. Three months after the girls were born, he made the decision to leave his wife. He was "bored". Apparently, he had been for a long time. He wanted to loosen the noose of marriage and explore the world and the people in it, but he still wanted to be a father to his girls. This news ripped my heart out. I felt so alone for her - so overwhelmed, vulnerable and lost - devastated. Had these two beautiful miracle babies pushed something to the surface that may have layed dormant for a very long time?
I am perplexed and unsure as to what waves our baby will bring into our lives...my hope is that she will bring something special out in both of us and in doing so, we will be inspired to be better poeple and have a stronger relationship for us and for her. But I guess only time will tell.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
It is all making sense now
I recently completed a Herman Brain Dominance profile. While I thought there would be no surprise as to what quadrants I would fall in...there was...a big surprise...and I am not sure that it is not pregnancy making it so.
I came out as a dominant quadrant D - Artistic, strategic, divergent thinker, risk taker. My next dominant was emotional - music, feelings, empathy... interesting, because I thought that I would have something more in the area of logical and sequential...but not even close.
So what does this tell me? That I will not be successful in the current job that I am in. It is purely operational and my strategic point of view is not appreciated at this level of work. It is overwhelming for the detailed, sequential and methodical mind. I would however excel in strategic planning and policy. I think this should be my next step.
I should also be pursuing art, wirintg and music more fervently....these things make up who I truly am.
I came out as a dominant quadrant D - Artistic, strategic, divergent thinker, risk taker. My next dominant was emotional - music, feelings, empathy... interesting, because I thought that I would have something more in the area of logical and sequential...but not even close.
So what does this tell me? That I will not be successful in the current job that I am in. It is purely operational and my strategic point of view is not appreciated at this level of work. It is overwhelming for the detailed, sequential and methodical mind. I would however excel in strategic planning and policy. I think this should be my next step.
I should also be pursuing art, wirintg and music more fervently....these things make up who I truly am.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
True Love
In the spirit of Valentines Day, I couldn't think of a more appropriate post. I recently returned from Winnipeg, where I had visited my relatives after 17 years of being apart. In those 17 much has changed.
In the last 8 or 9, my great aunt Shirley has been afflicted by Alzhiemers. My uncle Morris, has, in many ways already lost his life partner. He lovingly vists her at the home she is in. He has arranged her family photos around her, brings her flowers and does her make-up and hair each day. There are little notes around the room : " Be sure to brush Shirly's teeth after meals", Be sure to put Shirly's underarm deoderant on after dressing", " Please be sure to lie Shirly on her back with a pillow tucked behind her head". He makes absolutely sure that the love of his life is taken care of and that no one forgets that she was once a vibrant woman.
Shirley was one of six sisters. She met Morris when she was 16. THey fell in love and married after the war. He was a trumpet player and his brother Bill teh sax and clarinet player. They played with the likes of Benny Goodman, Bob Hope, Sammy Davis Jr., and the Winipeg Symphony Orchestra...and many more of the Big Band names of the time. THe regularly played a tthe Fort Gary. I can picture Shirley tapping her toes and lighting up the room with her vivacious smile. It hardly seems right to let her light go dim the way it is.
Morris still takes her by the hands, while she is seated in her wheelchair, and sways them together with his, as if to be dancing together. I felt I have truely witnessed true love - the kind that will transcend who we are now. It was a beautiful Valentines gift.
In the last 8 or 9, my great aunt Shirley has been afflicted by Alzhiemers. My uncle Morris, has, in many ways already lost his life partner. He lovingly vists her at the home she is in. He has arranged her family photos around her, brings her flowers and does her make-up and hair each day. There are little notes around the room : " Be sure to brush Shirly's teeth after meals", Be sure to put Shirly's underarm deoderant on after dressing", " Please be sure to lie Shirly on her back with a pillow tucked behind her head". He makes absolutely sure that the love of his life is taken care of and that no one forgets that she was once a vibrant woman.
Shirley was one of six sisters. She met Morris when she was 16. THey fell in love and married after the war. He was a trumpet player and his brother Bill teh sax and clarinet player. They played with the likes of Benny Goodman, Bob Hope, Sammy Davis Jr., and the Winipeg Symphony Orchestra...and many more of the Big Band names of the time. THe regularly played a tthe Fort Gary. I can picture Shirley tapping her toes and lighting up the room with her vivacious smile. It hardly seems right to let her light go dim the way it is.
Morris still takes her by the hands, while she is seated in her wheelchair, and sways them together with his, as if to be dancing together. I felt I have truely witnessed true love - the kind that will transcend who we are now. It was a beautiful Valentines gift.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
What will I do when it's time to go back?
I have about 6 moths remaining until I pop a new person inot the world. This gets me thinking about how unbelievably unhappy I have been in my career, and that these next six moths provide an oppourtunity to end on a high note, and possible pursue something new upon returning.
So what kinds of new endeavors would I entertain. Well for staters, I can take a year leave of absence for education - so maybe photgraphy or journalism? I can also take an exchange into the private and/or not for profit sector. I have been told that my energy would be well used in that environemnt, so maybe I will investigate this as an option.
Either way, I think that the changing perspective that a child will bring, coupled with some good self-reflection could bring about a change for me - 'cause lord knows I can't do 25 more years of this.
So what kinds of new endeavors would I entertain. Well for staters, I can take a year leave of absence for education - so maybe photgraphy or journalism? I can also take an exchange into the private and/or not for profit sector. I have been told that my energy would be well used in that environemnt, so maybe I will investigate this as an option.
Either way, I think that the changing perspective that a child will bring, coupled with some good self-reflection could bring about a change for me - 'cause lord knows I can't do 25 more years of this.
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